“Well, a different chef made that one in the picture, in fact, a very prominent one who used the best ingredients, so…” If I showed a picture outside of a restaurant with a meal staged a certain way, and then you come in and I give you something else, and then you asked why it was different, and I said, Why is the denoiser not working on sample counts above 1? How they got this crystal clear reflections on the RTX Unreal Demos? Is this whole thing just a fraud? or is my 2.800 Euro graphic card just not enough to get raytracing done? Even when i increase the reflection sample count up to 20-35 the image is still noisy. Im working on a TitanRTX and want to render out some movies with sharp reflections. Anyway does anyone have some news about the Path Tracer and its development in the future releases?
I just wondered how huge the difference between the Nvidia videos/ custom code and the current Unreal code was. Okay i m looking looking forward to future improvements and sure its all in development right now. There will be some other improvements that will go as far as releases 4.25 and probably 4.26, but you can expect the most important ones for quality arriving now at 4.23 and 4.24. The presentations you see are from companies that not only hold their own personnel to work on their own improvements on top of what the engine had, but also some of them are working with experimental code provided by Epic which is serving as basis to have the work done for “public” release. Remember: realtime raytracing is in early access, meaning it is not ready yet and under intensive development. UE4.23 will have huge improvements on performance, features still missing, and better denoiser code.